Storytime with Father Growly and Father Trace
Everyone, including Fr. Growly, loves to hear a good story. Join All Saints’ favorite bear, along with Fr. Trace and some of Fr. Growly’s friends, for a story, a song, and a bedtime prayer.
You can see all of Fr. Growly’s videos on our Facebook page and right here on our website.
Fr. Growly is thinking about all the Saints in his life today for All Saints Day, those special people that he loved that have passed away. To honor the day, he chose a beautiful story to read tonight "Grandad's Prayers of the Earth". Join him and Fr. Trace for a lovely little song and blessing after.
Happy Halloween!! Don't be too frightened in tonight's story "Nathaniel Willy, Scared Silly". Try listening to tonight's story in your Halloween costume along with Fr. Growly and then sing a long with tonight's spooky song.
This week Fr. Growly is celebrating his favorite Saint, St. Francis, the Patron Saint of animals! Learn a bit about the life of Saint Francis and listen to the wonderful story "The Prayer of Saint Francis". Then sing a long with the song 'God Made Our Wonderful World' and tuck in with a bedtime blessing. - 4 October 2021
Blessing of the Backpacks Tags & Desk Signs
Have you ever felt like you just couldn't do something? Maybe it's something new or something tricky? Maybe you just need to look at it in a different way, much like Vashti in tonight's story "The Dot". - 9 August 2021
Fr. Growly shows his pride in tonight's Storytime "Rainbow". Tonight's story is a great book all about love. Then get onboard and sing a song with Fr. Trace and end your night with a goodnight blessing!
Join Fr. Growly and his furry friends in the story of "The Good Samaritan". Then settle in for a song and goodnight blessing from Fr. Trace. - 16 May 2021
In tonight's exciting storytime, Fr. Growly plays the part of Elijah on Mount Horeb. Through wind, earthquake, and even fire, Elijah (and Fr. Growly) learn how we can really hear and feel God when we need God most. Plus Cat Steven’s song, "The Wind", from Fr. Trace. - 13 July 2020
Tonight's Storytime is the wonderful tale of "The Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister. This beautifully illustrated book has an equally beautiful message. Plus, there is a special quote from Fr. Trace for you to hold onto this week. Sing along with "Alleluia" and tuck in with a goodnight blessing. - 12 April 2021
Join Fr. Growly on an adventure across the Jordan River in tonight's Storytime "Joshua and Israel Cross the Jordan River" from the Book of Joshua, chapters 3, 4. Then join Fr. Trace for a song and end your night with a blessing. - 15 March 2021
If you listen to this story, chances are you will love it! Join Fr. Growly and his big and small friends for the story of "If You Give a Pig a Pancake.” They even cooked up some delicious flapjacks! Sing along with Fr. Trace and then settle in for a prayer. - 1 March 2021
Fr. Growly is met at the airport by his friend Mr. Gila Monster! Tonight's Storytime "Gila Monsters Meet You At The Airport" with Fr. Growly and Fr. Trace, plus a special song and evening blessing! - 25 January 2021
Come along for the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem as Fr. Growly and Fr. Trace tell the great Christmas story of Jesus' birth. Join in singing along to 'Away in a manger’ and begin your Christmas week with the greatest story of all. - 21 December 2020
Join Fr. Growly (cleverly disguised in his mustache!) for tonight's story of "The Cobbler". This is a wonderful tale about generosity, perfect for the Advent season. End your evening with a song at the piano "Soon and Very Soon" and a little Advent blessing! - 7 December 2020
We are grateful for Storytime and all of you for joining us for each tale we tell! This week's storytime is the beautiful story of "The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush". So cozy up and enjoy the story. Wishing you all a blessed and happy Thanksgiving! - 23 Novmeber 2020
This week, Fr. Growly plays the part of Moses (notice his beard!) and takes a walk through the Wilderness in the story of "Moses and Israel in the Wilderness". Fr. Trace sings the song "Woyaya" and ends our night with a blessing. Tuck in and listen. - 9 November 20
Boo! Don't be too scared, it's only Fr. Growly! Join us for a Halloween Storytime with Fr. Growly and his spooky friends! - 26 October 2020
This week's adventure is all about bravery and courage! Fr. Growly plays the part of King Darius, along with his friend Bear as Daniel, and a (not so) ferocious lion in the story of Daniel and the Lions! - 12 October 2020
Snuggle up for tonight's story, "Hug Time". Plus a sing-a-long song with Fr. Trace! - 21 September 2020
Coming to a screen near you! Watch Fr. Growly's theatrical trailer for Jonah and the Whale!
Grab a snack, put on your sailor hat and watch the dramatic tail (get it?!) of Jonah and the Whale! It's sure to be an adventure! - 24 August 2020
Back to School is a wonderful time of year! Tonight's storytime will get you in the back to school spirit. Plus, our Blessing of the Backpacks and special tags you can print for your backpacks or desk at home. You can download the tags by clicking here. - 10 August 2020
Tonight's Storytime is The Story of Baptism; we will hear the story of the Baptism of Christ, then Fr. Trace and Fr. Growly will go on location to All Saints Church - 3 August 2020
Fr. Growly and the Dinosaur! Tonight's storytime is all about adventure and friends! Listen to the story of Danny and the Dinosaur and hear Fr. Trace sing "You've Got a Friend". - 20 July 2020
In tonight's exciting storytime, Fr. Growly plays the part of Elijah on Mount Horeb. Through wind, earthquake, and even fire, Elijah (and Fr. Growly) learn how we can really hear and feel God when we need God most. Plus Cat Steven’s song, "The Wind", from Fr. Trace. - 13 July 2020
Get cozy and tuck yourself in with Storytime tonight with Fr. Growly and his friend, Gorilla! Fr. Trace will read us Goodnight, Gorilla and sing us a song as we get ready for bedtime. - 29 June 2020
Tonight, Fr. Growly plays the part of Jacob in the story of “Jacob’s Ladder.” Tune in to see him in his debut role! - 22 June 2020
Shhhhh... Fr. Growly is still napping 💤 Due to a very busy weekend, he's pretty tired! We've decided to give him the week off and let him rest up. Tune in next Monday, June 22nd, for another storytime!
Tonight's story is all about love; the love we have and how we give it. Plus, Fr. Trace has a very special song dedicated to a very special someone! -8 June 2020
Tonight's Storytime is the wonderful tale of "The Greatest Treasure" by Demi, with permission from Scholastic Press. Finish your day with a story of what's most important, a song of peace, and prayer of hope. - 1 June 2020
25 May - Fr. Growly is on vacation for Memorial Day. He will be back next week with a new story!
Fr. Growly reaches new heights in tonight's storytime! Hear the Story of Zacchaeus from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 19, and listen to Fr. Trace sing "The Gospel Train.” - 18 May 2020
Maestro Growly orchestrates Monday's storytime as Fr. Trace reads "The Philharmonic Gets Dressed". He will also conduct the song, "All Night, All Day.” - 11 May 2020
Storytime with Fr. Trace & Fr. Growly is about Elijah and the Widow (from 1 Kings, chapter 17), plus a classic lullaby "You Are My Sunshine.” - 4 May 2020
Laugh along with Fr. Growly for tonight's storytime "Officer Buckle and Gloria". Then enjoy Fr. Trace sing "Blossom". (Story read permission of GP Putnams Pub.) - 27 April 2020
Fr. Growly hears a story from the Gospel of Mark, about a man who was healed by Jesus. Plus, Fr. Trace sings "Peace Before Us". - 20 April 2020
Join Fr. Growly and his not so little friend for "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" by Laura Numeroff (with permission from HarperCollins Childrens Books). - 13 April 2020
Fr. Growly and his sheep-ish friend listen to the story of The Shepherd. - 6 April 2020
Fr. Trace shares “The Runaway Bunny” with his friends Fr. Growly and Bunny! (Story by Margaret Wise Brown, with permission from HarperCollins Childrens Books) - 30 March 2020
Fr. Trace and Fr. Growly share the story of The Drum and then duet on a song! - 23 March 2020
Fr. Trace reads “The Large and Growly Bear” to his small and growly friend! -16 March 2020
It’s story time!
Fr. Growly and friends listen to the story of “The Shepherd.”
Fr. Growly hanging around, wondering what story to read next.
When you invite your friend over for a jam session, and they forget their guitar!
A surprise guest shows up for story time.
Even a bear can get the blues!