It all began in the summer of 1948…
when a group of mothers called on Bishop Stephen C. Clark to request aid from the Missionary District to establish a Sunday School in then southeast Salt Lake City. A survey of the city was made and Bishop Clark organized a Mission to meet the needs of the anticipated growth of the area. The first Bible School was held in a garage. The winter of 1948 drove the Church School out of the garage and into a warm home. Services were commenced on the first Sunday of November 1948 (All Saints Sunday, giving the new Mission its name).
In the early 1950’s, All Saints moved to the American Legion clubhouse. Larger quarters were soon needed and the operators of Weasku Inn, a restaurant that was located at 21st South and 23rd East, offered their rooms for Sunday morning services.
Meeting at Weasku Inn
Into the 1950’s, it was clear more space was needed…
as All Saints members grew. More children and more needs for space took All Saints to Westminster College in 1951 and services were held in the auditorium. The summer of 1951 was a critical time with services being held at Fairmont Park and in the basement of Harold Green’s home. The army came to the rescue in the winter of 1951 with the offer of the Post Guardhouse at nearby Fort Douglas as quarters; classes were held behind bars in the old cellblock. By 1954, 200 children were attending Church School classes in the post’s administration building and officers’ club.
An All Saints’ building committee was formed, and funds collected in early 1950 for a church building. In 1952, James Hogle, Sr. donated the tract of land upon which the present All Saints’ building and the Jewish Community Center (now a Montessori school) stand. the church was completed and the first service was held on January 21, 1955.
On November 23, 1958, Bishop Watson and his Council of Advice & Convocation approved All Saints as the first parish in the District in 58 years. On January 11, 1959, the Reverend Elvin R. Gallagher was installed as the parish’s first rector. The capacity of the building was becoming taxed, and in 1959, a three-bay extension was completed on the south end of the original building.
In 1981, a major renovation began…
The altar was brought into the midst of the congregation and the choir and the organ moved to the space previously occupied by the altar. All Saints now had contemporary stained-glass windows depicting the Stations of the Cross commissioned by a local artist, Willie Lettig. These windows quickly became an integral part of the common liturgical life of the parish. Here for more information on our beautiful stained glass windows.
Finally, in 1995, under the direction of Rev. Bradley Wirth - Rector, plans were underway that included construction a new sanctuary for All Saints. The light angular space was designed to incorporate and draw attention to the stained-glass windows. The sanctuary was also designed to enhance the music experience of our worship. New Sunday School rooms and administrative offices were added. The original chapel, built in 1955, was converted to the parish hall, with the old classrooms and parish hall renovated to accommodate the needs of various, out-reach groups that meet in the building. The members of All Saints proudly celebrated their dream when The Rt. Rev. Carolyn Tanner Irish, Bishop, consecrated the new sanctuary on All Saints Day, 1997.
Our South Sudanese community joined All Saints…
in 2000, All Saints welcomed sixteen "Lost Boys" of the Sudan. Starting in 2002, the South Sudanese Community held services, in Dinka, on major holidays, such as Christmas and Easter, with 50 or more people attending. In 2007, after consultation with the Rector of All Saints, the Rev. Michael Mayor, the leadership of the South Sudanese community at All Saints agreed that a regular service of worship, held in Dinka, would make sense. Soon after, they began to have regular monthly worship on Sunday afternoon in the Dinka language.
In 2008, after consultation with Bishop Carolyn Tanner Irish it was agreed that the South Sudanese community would become a mission congregation of the Diocese and they would raise up an individual to be put forward for postulancy leading to ordination to the priesthood. This person would serve as the leader of the Sudanese congregation with the support of the Rector of All Saints.
After a lengthy process, Gabriel Garang Atem Garang was raised up to become a Postulant for Holy Orders in the Diocese of Utah and the Rt. Rev. Scott Hayashi formally licensed him as the Lay Pastoral Leader and as a lay preacher. Gabriel was ordained a priest October 1, 2016.
The Rev. Trace Browning joined All Saints in 2014 and has been a great leader for our church. Currently we have an active Godly Play program (Sunday School), led by Ellen Schwede and many loving and talented teachers, and a much larger and active Youth Group, led by Brianna Lanclos and more loving and talented teachers. We also have an active choir, under the leadership of Marlin Haws. As well as Adult Education Programs, Taizé Vesper Services and other programs.
Compiled and Written by Marlin Haws, Historian - Jan, 2019