What to expect when you visit All Saints

Our principal Sunday liturgy is Holy Eucharist (also called Holy Communion). We have two Holy Eucharist services each Sunday: 8:00am and 10:30am. If you have attended worship in the Roman Catholic or Lutheran traditions, you will find our liturgy is similar. The basic structure is:

The Liturgy of the Word. We gather to offer our praise and prayers to God. There are readings from scripture, which always include a reading from one of the Gospels. This is followed by a sermon, the Nicene Creed, Prayers of the People, Confession and the passing of the Peace, in which we share the peace of Christ with one another.

Holy Communion. The gifts of bread and wine, as well as the offering plates, are brought to the altar. A Eucharstic Prayer is offered, then all are welcome to receive Communion. The service concludes with a prayer, the blessing, and the dismissal, which invites us to go into the world to serve God and others.

Here are the primary differences in how we worship at 8:00 and 10:30:

8:00 am – The liturgy is taken directly from the Book of Common Prayer, in contemporary language (what Episcopalians call Rite II). The worship service is spoken; there is no music.

10:30 am. This service has more music, and is accompanied by our choir. There are hymns, and often a choir anthem. Other parts of the service are often sung as well, such as the Gloria (a hymn of praise), and the Psalm of the day. Parts of the Eucharistic Prayer are often chanted by the priest and the people. We sometimes use the liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer. Most Sundays, however, we use other authorized Episcopal Church liturgies that employ more inclusive and expansive language.

At both services, there will be a worship bulletin that contains all you need to follow along and participate in the service as you are comfortable. Hymns and music will be found in the bulletin, or in the Hymnal found in front of you in the pew racks.

Please join us for fellowship time/coffee hour after the worship service!

We invite you to fill out an information card, found in the pew, or sign our Guest Register. This allows us to send you a note of thanks for worshiping with us. You can also sign-up to receive our online newsletter, or ask for more information.

FAEQ - Frequently Asked Episcopal Questions

Where do I park when I visit All Saints?

There are two entrances to our church building. The main entrance, with our red doors, is accessed from the upper/east parking lot. The other entrance is located off the lower/west parking lot. Look for the red door there, too.

There are “Welcome Church Visitor” parking places in both parking lots, reserved just for you! Both entrances are also accessible, and there is an elevator to take you from the lower level to the worship space.

What do I wear for Church?

Whatever is comfortable for you. At All Saints, you will find some folks dressed in their “Sunday Best,” and others who tend to dress more casual. Remember that Jesus wore and a robe and sandals, so you are welcome to come as you are!

You Episcopalians seem to stand, sit, even kneel, quite a bit during worship! Do I need to do all that?

You are invited to participate as you are comfortable. In general we stand to sing and praise God, we sit to listen to the scriptures and the sermon, and stand or kneel for prayer. But there is a lot of variation in our customs: some may kneel when others are standing, and some people may make the sign of the cross at various points in the liturgy. You may observe, and remain seated throughout the service, or follow others and participate in the music, prayers, and everything else, as you are comfortable.

Am I expected to give money when the offering plate comes around?

Every Sunday, just before communion, we have an offertory, a time when people are invited to give of their resources for the ministry of the church and the building of God’s kingdom. If you are a visitor or guest, you do not need to give anything your first Sunday or two. You may simply pass the plate along to the person next to you, or hand it to the usher.

What about kids? Are they welcome at All Saints?

Yes, children are welcome at all Church Services. As you enter the Sanctuary, you will see a basket of Busy Bags, and Lil’ Busy Bags, filled with quiet things to help keep little fingers and minds busy! We also have The Sunday Paper for preschool and grade school kids, which always follow the scripture lessons that are read in church that week. These always have great pictures to color, and we have packs of colored pencils!

Children may stay in church with you. Or, if you desire, you may use our Cry Room, which is just off the sanctuary, in our Library. You will still be able to see and hear the service from the Cry Room. We also have Nursery, and Godly Play for children during our 10:30 service.

Other questions?

Feel free to ask one of our ushers, or any of the clergy, if you have any questions. Or drop us a note here